
What I Need From A Computer

My attention is following the constant ebb and flow of simplicity and complexity: I want technology to do as much as I need, and no more

Now, here's the tricky part: what do I need from a computer?

Often, we get told what we need by the mega-corporations: you need Google Chrome, VSCode, Facebook, Github, iPhone, etc. And even well-meaning folk might nudge you towards a certain software or paradigm. Its easy to get swept into a convoluted mess of dependencies

Roughly, I can think of three main categories:

The challenge, then, is to solve each of those problems in as few dependencies as possible

I had previously thought that there were a few concrete requirements, like X/Wayland for GUIs, Firefox for the web, and GCC/Clang for C. But, recently I have begun to question that belief

I don't have any answers to these questions, and any answer I could give would undoubtedly change rapidly. But, I think these questions are worth asking anyway